OrderDAOSybase |
/* * $Id: OrderDAOSybase.java,v 2001/04/07 00:21:01 inder Exp $ * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits réservés. */ package com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.order.dao; import java.util.Iterator; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Locale; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.order.model.LineItem; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.order.model.MutableOrderModel; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.util.DatabaseNames; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.util.I18nUtil; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.order.exceptions.OrderDAOSysException; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.order.exceptions.OrderDAOAppException; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.customer.order.exceptions.OrderDAODBUpdateException; import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.util.tracer.Debug; /** * This class represents the implementation of the * create and store methods of the base class OrderDAOImpl for * Sybase. */ public class OrderDAOSybase extends OrderDAOImpl { public OrderDAOSybase() throws OrderDAOSysException { super(); } /** * part of the OrderDAO abstract class */ public int create(MutableOrderModel details) throws OrderDAOSysException, OrderDAODBUpdateException, OrderDAOAppException { int orderId = insertOrder(details); insertLineItem(orderId, details); insertOrderStatus(orderId, details); return(orderId); } /** * part of the OrderDAO abstract class */ public void store(MutableOrderModel details) throws OrderDAOSysException, OrderDAODBUpdateException, OrderDAOAppException { updateOrder(details); updateLineItem(details); updateOrderStatus(details); } private int insertOrder(MutableOrderModel details) throws OrderDAODBUpdateException, OrderDAOAppException, OrderDAOSysException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; int oid = -1; if (!isValidData(details)) throw new OrderDAOAppException ("Illegal data values for insert"); getDBConnection(); String queryStr = "INSERT INTO " + DatabaseNames.ORDER_TABLE + "(userid,orderdate," + "shipaddr1,shipaddr2,shipcity,shipstate,shipzip,shipcountry," + "billaddr1,billaddr2,billcity,billstate,billzip,billcountry," + "courier,totalprice," + "shiptofirstname,shiptolastname," + "billtofirstname,billtolastname," + "creditcard,exprdate,cardtype,locale)" + "VALUES (" + "'" + details.getUserId().trim() + "'," + "'"+ details.getOrderDate().getFullDateString().trim()+ "'," + "'"+ details.getShipToAddr().getStreetName1().trim() +"',"; if (details.getShipToAddr().getStreetName2() != null) queryStr += "'"+details.getShipToAddr().getStreetName2().trim() +"',"; else queryStr += "' ',"; queryStr += "'"+details.getShipToAddr().getCity().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getShipToAddr().getState().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getShipToAddr().getZipCode().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getShipToAddr().getCountry().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getBillToAddr().getStreetName1().trim() +"',"; if (details.getBillToAddr().getStreetName2() != null) queryStr += "'"+details.getShipToAddr().getStreetName2().trim() +"',"; else queryStr += "' ',"; queryStr += "'"+details.getBillToAddr().getCity().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getBillToAddr().getState().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getBillToAddr().getZipCode().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getBillToAddr().getCountry().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getCarrier().trim() + "'," + "CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2)," +details.getTotalPrice() + ")," + "'"+details.getShipToFirstName().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getShipToLastName().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getBillToFirstName().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getBillToLastName().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getCreditCard().getCardNo().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getCreditCard().getExpiryDateString().trim() + "'," + "'"+details.getCreditCard().getCardType().trim()+ "'," + "'"+I18nUtil.getLocaleString(details.getLocale()) + "' )"; Debug.println("queryString is: "+ queryStr); int resultCount = 0; try { stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr); resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while executing update for statement"); } try{ if ( resultCount != 1 ) throw new OrderDAODBUpdateException( "ERROR in ORDER_TABLE INSERT !! resultCount = " + resultCount); else { queryStr = "SELECT @@identity"; stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( !rs.next() ) { throw new OrderDAOAppException("ERROR in selecting OrderId !!"); } else { oid = rs.getInt(1); if (oid < 1) throw new OrderDAOAppException ("ERROR in getting OrderId !! orderId = "+ oid); } } } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while inserting " + "order " + oid + " : \n" + se); } finally { try{ if(stmt != null) stmt.close(); closeConnection(); } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while closing statement and connection"); } } return(oid); } private void insertLineItem(int orderId, MutableOrderModel details) throws OrderDAOSysException, OrderDAOAppException, OrderDAODBUpdateException { LineItem LI; int resultCount; try { getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; for (Iterator it = details.getLineItems().iterator() ; it.hasNext() ;) { LI = (LineItem) it.next(); if (LI == null) throw new OrderDAOAppException("LineItem is null"); String queryStr = "INSERT INTO " + DatabaseNames.LINE_ITEM_TABLE + "(orderid,linenum,itemid,quantity,unitprice) VALUES (" + orderId + "," + LI.getLineNo() + "," + "'"+ LI.getItemNo().trim() + "'," + LI.getQty() + "," + LI.getUnitPrice() + ")"; Debug.println("queryString is: "+ queryStr); stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr); resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); if ( resultCount != 1 ) throw new OrderDAODBUpdateException ("ERROR in LINE_ITEM_TABLE INSERT !! resultCount = " + resultCount); } } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while inserting " + "line item for order " + orderId + " : \n" + se); } finally { closeConnection(); } } private void insertOrderStatus(int orderId, MutableOrderModel details) throws OrderDAOSysException, OrderDAODBUpdateException { try { getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; String queryStr = "INSERT INTO " + DatabaseNames.ORDER_STATUS_TABLE + "(orderid,timestamp,status) VALUES (" + orderId + "," + "getdate()," + "'" + details.getStatus().trim() + "')"; Debug.println("queryString is: "+ queryStr); stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr); int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); if ( resultCount != 1 ) throw new OrderDAODBUpdateException ("ERROR in ORDER_STATUS_TABLE INSERT !! resultCount = " + resultCount); } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while inserting " + "order status for order " + orderId + " : \n" + se); } finally { closeConnection(); } } private String formatPrice(double price){ NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat)nf; df.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); df.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); String pattern = "##.00"; df.applyPattern(pattern); df.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true); return df.format(price); } private void updateOrder(MutableOrderModel ordr) throws OrderDAODBUpdateException, OrderDAOSysException{ String queryStr = "UPDATE " + DatabaseNames.ORDER_TABLE + " SET userid = " + "'" + ordr.getUserId().trim() + "'," + "orderdate = " + "'" + ordr.getOrderDate().getFullDateString().trim() + "'," + "shipaddr1 = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToAddr().getStreetName1().trim() + "',"; if (ordr.getShipToAddr().getStreetName2() != null) queryStr += "shipaddr2 = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToAddr().getStreetName2().trim() + "',"; else queryStr += "shipaddr2 = ' ',"; queryStr += "shipcity = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToAddr().getCity().trim() + "'," + "shipstate = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToAddr().getState().trim() + "'," + "shipzip = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToAddr().getZipCode().trim() + "'," + "shipcountry = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToAddr().getCountry().trim() + "'," + "billaddr1 = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToAddr().getStreetName1().trim() + "',"; if (ordr.getBillToAddr().getStreetName2() != null) queryStr += "billaddr2 = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToAddr().getStreetName2().trim() + "',"; else queryStr += "billaddr2 = ' ',"; queryStr += "billcity = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToAddr().getCity().trim() + "'," + "billstate = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToAddr().getState().trim() + "'," + "billzip = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToAddr().getZipCode().trim() + "'," + "billcountry = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToAddr().getCountry().trim() + "'," + "courier = " + "'" + ordr.getCarrier().trim() + "'," + "totalprice = " + "CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2)," + formatPrice(ordr.getTotalPrice()) + ")," + "shiptofirstname = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToFirstName().trim() + "'," + "shiptolastname = " + "'" + ordr.getShipToLastName().trim() + "'," + "billtofirstname = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToFirstName().trim() + "'," + "billtolastname = " + "'" + ordr.getBillToLastName().trim() + "'," + "creditcard = " + "'" + ordr.getCreditCard().getCardNo().trim() + "'," + "exprdate = " + "'" + ordr.getCreditCard().getExpiryDateString().trim() + "'," + "cardtype = " + "'" + ordr.getCreditCard().getCardType().trim() + "', " + "locale = " + "'" + I18nUtil.getLocaleString(ordr.getLocale()) + "'" + " WHERE orderid = " + ordr.getOrderId(); Debug.println("queryString is: "+ queryStr); try { getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr); int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); if ( resultCount != 1 ) throw new OrderDAODBUpdateException ("ERROR updating order in ORDER_TABLE!! resultCount = " + resultCount); } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while updating " + "order : \n" + se); } finally { closeConnection(); } } private void updateLineItem(MutableOrderModel ordr) throws OrderDAOSysException, OrderDAOAppException, OrderDAODBUpdateException { LineItem LI; int resultCount; try { getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; for (Iterator it = ordr.getLineItems().iterator() ; it.hasNext() ;) { LI = (LineItem) it.next(); if (LI == null) throw new OrderDAOAppException("LineItem is null"); String queryStr = "UPDATE "+ DatabaseNames.LINE_ITEM_TABLE + " SET itemid = " + "'"+ LI.getItemNo().trim() + "'," + "quantity = " + LI.getQty() + "," + "unitprice = " + "CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2)," + LI.getUnitPrice() + ")" + " WHERE orderid = " + ordr.getOrderId() + " AND linenum = " + LI.getLineNo(); Debug.println("queryString is: "+ queryStr); stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr); resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); if ( resultCount != 1 ) throw new OrderDAODBUpdateException ("ERROR updating LINE_ITEM_TABLE !! resultCount = " + resultCount); } } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while updating " + "line item : \n" + se); } finally { closeConnection(); } } private void updateOrderStatus(MutableOrderModel ordr) throws OrderDAOSysException, OrderDAODBUpdateException { try { getDBConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; String queryStr = "UPDATE " + DatabaseNames.ORDER_STATUS_TABLE + " SET status = " + "'"+ ordr.getStatus().trim() + "'" + " WHERE orderid = " + ordr.getOrderId(); Debug.println("queryString is: "+ queryStr); stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement(queryStr); int resultCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); if ( resultCount != 1 ) throw new OrderDAODBUpdateException ("ERROR updating ORDER_STATUS_TABLE !! resultCount = " + resultCount); } catch(SQLException se) { throw new OrderDAOSysException("SQLException while updating " + "order status : \n" + se); } finally { closeConnection(); } } }
OrderDAOSybase |